Teach Don’t Preach


For decades we’ve been preached to about recycling. So much so that too many people just tune it out. If you want to see your community participate more in recycling efforts, there is a lot of teaching to do.

I’m not talking about flyer with accepted/not accepted items, nor even how to ensure you are properly recyling. We have to teach those around us without preaching, in ways that will break down barriers and encourage more people to become educated consumers and disposers!

Recycling starts with selection of those goods we consume. Things like packaging, sources of consumer products and waste created by those products.

Is the item over packaged?
Is it imported? From where? Is that a country who practices environmental guardianship? Could I find a locally made product or at least one from a country that makes an effort to care for our environment?
How soon will the product itself end up as waste? Could I pay a bit more and get a higher quality one that lasts longer?